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Is it time to retire CVs and Resumes for Good?

Is it time to retire CVs and Resumes for Good?

CVs and resumes have long been the backbone of the hiring process, serving as a snapshot of a candidate’s qualifications and experience. They have played a crucial role in evaluating applicants and making informed decisions. But the times they are a-changing.

In today’s digital age, technology has transformed the way we connect and evaluate potential candidates. With the rise of AI, online platforms, and skill-based assessments, there is a growing argument that it’s time to bid farewell to the traditional CV and resume.

By retiring CVs and resumes, we can enhance visibility and creativity in showcasing skills, promote more inclusive hiring practices, and improve efficiency in candidate evaluation. It’s time to embrace these innovative approaches and reimagine our recruitment strategies to benefit job seekers and employers.

Let’s delve deeper into the limitations of CVs and resumes and explore the emerging alternatives that can revolutionize the way we hire talent.

Three shackles of CVs and resumes

Let’s look closer at the limitations of CVs and resumes that we’ve relied on for so long.

Lack of context and personalization

CVs and resumes often lack context and personalization, leaving us with only a surface-level understanding of candidates. We miss out on their unique stories, passion, and potential, which are essential for making informed hiring decisions.

Emphasis on credentials rather than skills and potential

Relying solely on credentials like degrees and job titles puts the spotlight on past achievements rather than a candidate’s skills and potential to grow. It’s time to shift our focus to assessing their abilities, adaptability, and capacity for continuous learning.

Potential for bias and discrimination in the selection process

The potential for bias and discrimination is a genuine concern in the traditional selection process. Unconscious biases can sneak in, leading to unfair judgments based on gender, ethnicity, or age. Adopting alternative methods that mitigate bias and promote diversity and inclusion is crucial. Let’s build a fair and equitable hiring process that brings out the best in all candidates.

Emerging alternatives that will replace CVs and resumes

Online portfolios and personal websites

Who needs a one-page resume when you can showcase your skills, projects, and achievements on a personalized website? Online portfolios offer a visual feast of applicants’ work, giving them a deeper understanding of their abilities and creativity. It’s like a virtual exhibition of their skills and talents, allowing HR practitioners to understand their capabilities better.

Social media profiles and professional networking platforms

If traditional resumes are just a stack of papers, a profile on a professional networking platform works as a resume on steroids. Recruiters can scroll through a candidate’s digital footprint, connect with the hire, and see endorsements and recommendations from colleagues, giving them a more well-rounded picture of professionalism.

Skill-based assessments

Traditional resumes may not accurately reflect a candidate’s abilities. That’s where skill-based assessments come into play. HR practitioners can assess their skills firsthand by putting candidates through practical challenges and simulations. It’s a more hands-on approach to evaluating their capabilities and suitability for the job.

Video and recorded interviews

Reading resumes can be monotonous. Recorded video interviews add a touch of personality and flair to the hiring process. With these alternatives, HR practitioners can see and hear candidates directly, getting a better sense of their communication skills, presentation style, and overall demeanor. It’s like having a mini face-to-face meeting, minus the scheduling headaches.

Upsides of moving beyond CVs and resumes

Enhanced visibility and creativity in showcasing skills

Alternative methods allow candidates to go beyond the limitations of traditional CVs and resumes. They can showcase their skills and talents more dynamically and creatively through portfolios, online projects, or video presentations. This provides a more comprehensive view of their abilities and allows them to stand out in a competitive job market.

More inclusive hiring practices

Alternative methods promote inclusivity in the hiring process by shifting the focus from credentials to skills and potential. Candidates from diverse backgrounds who may not have traditional credentials have the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities and contribute their unique perspectives. It helps break down biases and creates a level playing field for all candidates.

Improved accuracy in candidate evaluation

Alternative methods, such as skill-based assessments and practical challenges, provide more tangible evidence of a candidate’s abilities. This leads to a more accurate evaluation of their skills and potential than relying solely on CVs and resumes that may not provide a comprehensive picture of a candidate’s capabilities.

Time and cost efficiency for both job seekers and employers

Traditional application processes can be time-consuming and costly for both job seekers and employers. Adopting alternative methods streamlines the recruitment process, saving time and resources. For job seekers, it means they can focus on showcasing their skills and potential rather than spending excessive time tailoring resumes. Employers can assess candidates more efficiently, leading to a quicker and more cost-effective hiring process.

Improved candidate experience

Alternative methods offer a more engaging and interactive experience for candidates. They allow candidates to showcase their strengths and abilities in a way that resonates with their individuality. This personalized approach enhances the candidate experience, making the hiring process more enjoyable and meaningful for applicants.

Future-proofing the hiring process

As technology continues to advance, traditional CVs and resumes may become outdated. Embracing alternative methods prepares organizations for the future of hiring, where AI, automation, and digital platforms play a more significant role. By adapting early, organizations can stay ahead of the curve and attract top talent in a rapidly evolving job market.

Examples of organizations adopting alternative methods

The tech industry and its reliance on coding challenges and hackathons

Take a look at the tech industry, where giants like Google and Microsoft are shaking things up. They’ve moved away from solely relying on CVs and resumes and instead use coding challenges and hackathons to assess technical skills. By immersing candidates in practical problem-solving exercises, these companies gain deeper insights into their abilities and potential for innovation.

Creative industries and portfolio-based evaluations

The creative industries, such as advertising agencies and design firms, have embraced portfolio-based evaluations. Companies like Pixar request candidates to showcase their work samples, design portfolios, or even share creative side projects. This approach allows recruiters to assess candidates’ creativity, aesthetics, and ability to deliver impactful results.

Startups and their innovative hiring practices

Startups, known for their innovative spirit, have ditched the traditional playbook altogether. They opt for unique hiring practices like trial projects, simulated work scenarios, or unconventional interviews that test a candidate’s skills on the spot. By assessing candidates in real-world contexts, startups can identify those who can thrive in their fast-paced, dynamic environments.


The time has come for a transformative shift in how we evaluate and select candidates. The limitations of traditional CVs and resumes have become evident, and the benefits of exploring alternative methods are undeniable. Alternative methods offer enhanced visibility, promote inclusivity, improve accuracy in candidate evaluation, and save time and costs for both job seekers and employers. Real-world examples have showcased organizations successfully adopting these methods.

Now is the time to take action. Let’s reevaluate traditional CV and resume practices and forge a path toward a more inclusive and effective hiring process.

Written by
Maulik Bengali
Founder of Tacnique from Tacnique
I'm Maulik Bengali. I've been an entrepreneur for the last 11 years, and it's something I'm passionate about. I run a completely remote-first team. We have served clients such as Visa, Zillow, JLL, VTS, and Al Habtoor Group.

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